InkBox Buyers
Average (Linguistic) Age: 27.4
Average (Linguistic) Gender: 45.7% Female / 54.3% Male
Top Attribute Threats and Opportunities
Tattoos look real (fun, apply) .254
Tattoo (want, idea, thinking, where, test) .208
Scrub (exfoliating) .193
Fade (next day) .092
Cool (instructions, applying, transfer) .087
Happy overall (satisfied with purchase, pleased) .086
Loved look (awesome, cute) .075
Surprised (darker, details) .064
Excited to try (wanted, wait) .055
Tat (wouldn't know wasn't artist, natural) .045
Wait (30 seconds, hour) .035
Money waste (instructions followed, expensive, not worth) .256
Next day (looked almost faded, started immediately, visible fade) .213
Bad quality (cheap, barely decent) .197
Following instructions (directions, didn't picture) .195
Application (several minutes, barely stick) .146
Henna (bottle, gel, stain) .075
Stars (tiny, peel, fading) .069
Already fading (couple of tats faded, fake) .062
Freehand (choice, self) .057
Photo patch (coming, plan) .050